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Hello lovely readers! Have you missed me? It’s been a bit of time since I’ve written a blog and it’s for a really good reason. I’m taking a six week (!) course on Instagram posting. It is very interesting, but also very time-consuming! Why, you ask? Well, I want to stay current on various aspects of blogging and social media. I thought it might be helpful to learn more specifics about Instagram, hashtags and the like.

So it would be VERY HELPFUL to me for you to “follow” me on Instagram. You will see lots of photos with fun captions, but they will be more like mini blogs. I plan to continue writing this regular blog but will decrease the frequency of them to one or two per week. So what I would so appreciate from you would be for you to sign up for Instagram. It’s totally free and you sign up for it by going to the App store on your phone and installing the Instagram app.

Then in the search bar (it looks like a little magnifying glass), type in @drjuliemarshall. Then click “follow” and you’ll see my recent Instagram posts. You can click on any image as see details of that image. Please feel free to “like” any posts by pressing on the heart. If you want to comment (I would LOVE to hear from you!), click on the little “speech bubble” and type in your thoughts. Now onto what you’re here for; paisley!

I love paisley patterns primarily in the fall because I think it’s a rich type of image and it starts to set the stage for cozy colors, fabrics, and clothing. In the opening photo I’m wearing a Gretchen Scott dress in a grey, black and white pattern. For more details on this outfit take a look at this blog. Isn’t this such a luxurious looking dress. Here it is on Gretchen’s site at a terrific price!

Another fun way to wear paisley as we enter the fall is in a button down shirt. It looks cute with boyfriend jeans or with nice slacks. Here are the details on this outfit. I just saw a few cute shirts on the Talbots website as shown here. Or if you prefer a pull-on paisley top check out this one.

So do you agree with me that paisley is a terrific pattern to wear for fall? I think you can wear it as a free-standing shirt with jeans or pants, as a terrific dress, or as a classy pullover. All options work. What paisley items are your “go tos” for fall? Please let me know below in the comments.

Thanks for taking the time to read today’s blog. I plan to focus on ideas for getting ready for fall. It’s such a fun time to dress. I LOVE all the scarves, booties, cardigans, and more. Stay tuned…


Dr. Julie

PS And please let me know if there are any topics you would like me to cover going forward.

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