Easiest Ways to Remove Facial Peach Fuzz

Easiest Ways to Remove Facial Peach Fuzz

    Today I am discussing what I, as a retired dermatologist think are the easiest and best ways to remove facial peach fuzz. There are actually two main types of hair; vellus hair which is typically short, thin, and barely noticeable. However, it does...
Easiest Ways to Remove Facial Peach Fuzz

This Dermatologist’s Make-up Routine and Favorite Products

Hello my lovely readers! I’ve been thinking about what dermatology/beauty/self-care subjects I should discuss with you and I’ve come up with MANY ideas. I’ve decided that it would be most fun for me (and hopefully, you) that I will plan for these types of posts to be...
An Easy Way to Stay Healthy

An Easy Way to Stay Healthy

We are all (hopefully) washing our hands more in view of this corona virus pandemic. The thought is that washing our hands will minimize our chances of picking up the virus from objects and then possibly transferring it to our nose and respiratory tract. This all...
The Best Lipstick 💄 Ever!

The Best Lipstick 💄 Ever!

I just returned from a visit to Florida where I stayed with a girlfriend and her hubby, and another great friend. We had a lovely laid back time and they teased me that I was the only person they knew who kept reapplying her lipstick.  When I explained that...
Wedding arms and other tips…

Wedding arms and other tips…

Introduction to Wedding Arms In this post, I will give you an easy routine for treating one’s “wedding arms” so that they look better in sleeveless and short-sleeved dresses. I was recently at a lovely wedding when a guest approached me to ask me if...

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