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This week my good friend Linda and I got involved with making masks for the first responders. In the Citrus Club where Mr. G. Q. and I live, a number of volunteers have organized mask making kits. Linda’s and my job was just to make the actual masks.


So with hot glue guns in one hand and scissors in the other, we spent the afternoon making a batch of these. It turns out that the Citrus Club volunteers have made more than 4,200 masks since April 1! We joined with the Coachella Valley Mask Makers to collectively make 36,000 masks to date! Pretty cool, huh?

I know all of us have been doing out part to keep us safe by sheltering in place, wearing gloves, social distancing, and the like. This mask making project was another great project that will hopefully help some of our much deserving first responders. We ALL SOOO APPRECIATE YOU!!!



Dr. Julie

P.S. Please pass this blog on to anyone you think would enjoy it! Thanks so much!!!

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