Today is New Year’s Eve. My youngest son is visiting with his lovely girlfriend, Rachel and we’re inviting one other couple. We’re so lucky because our dining room table is actually six feet wide! Thus, automatic social distancing! (Of course we’ll stay at least six feet apart or wear masks.)

I thought it would be fun to show you this cool table. (It would be useful for any kind of wintery dinner.) The place settings are gold mesh placemats with white Crate and Barrel dinner plates. Then for salad plates, I used gold-rimmed white plates that I found this season at Homegoods. I added cream cotton napkins that have green and gold Christmas trees on them (Homegoods). I used gold plated flatware that I purchased this summer at a terrific consignment shop in Glenview, Illinois (the Treasure House).
In the center of the table I wanted to create an illusion of snow. I took two white fake fur pelts and placed them adjacent to one another. Then I arranged ten small white votive candles in clear holders around the edge of the pelts. In the center I placed a collection of silver and gold Martha Stewart glass ornaments (purchased at Homegoods) on the fur. In addition, I placed two old gold Christmas trees on either side of the table.
Fun and Festive New Year’s Eve Table

I actually plan to add some tall gold tapered candles in crystal candle holders to this Fun and Festive New Year’s Eve Table. But the candle holders are in my car which is on its way to California as I write this post. If they arrive by tomorrow night, I will add them. I’ll try and remember to take a photo and it will at least then appear on my Instagram site (@drjuliemarshall), if not on a post where I’ll show you the very fun wintery desserts that will also be a part of this festive evening!
Happy New Year’s Eve!
Dr. Julie
PS This post contains affiliate links. When you shop through my links, it helps support my business (at absolutely no additional cost to you) so thank you! Dr. Julie
So clever and unique! Joanie
Thanks Joanie! Happy 2021!